Self-Published Author Becomes Major Documentary Film Producer

Amy Tiemann was a stay-at-home mom determined to become an author. She'd written her book and pitched it to many literary agents, but was told that, without a platform, she had no hope of getting a book deal. So she built her own, self-published the book, and joined Quantum Leap and attended Steve Harrison's National Publicity Summit to find out how she could promote her book and her work even more effectively.
Not only did she get better publicity results (including a Today Show appearance) by going straight to the media than she ever had by paying a publicist, but the radio interviews she loved doing led to her launching her own podcast. After one media success led to another, Gotham Books signed her for an $80,000 advance and published an updated edition of her book, Mojo Mom.
The media experience and confidence Amy gained through her Quantum Leap training ultimately led her to invest as an Executive Producer in the documentary film, Olympic Pride, American Prejudice. What's more, Steve's one-on-one coaching helped Amy and the film's team land a major corporate sponsorship that ultimately got the movie on the White House's radar!

"The entrepreneurial, efficient, effective techniques I have learned as a Quantum Leap member have been extremely valuable in this new role," she says.