If you’re an author, speaker or entrepreneur… corporate sponsor funding can allow you to pursue your mission and help others…
Introducing the…
Attract Corporate Sponsors System
Everything You Need to Get Big Companies To Fund Your Book, Business, Seminar or Dream
(Including the secrets to securing funding not just once – but on an annual basis for years to come)
Enroll Now Because Your Discount Goes Away at 9 pm Eastern (6 pm Pacific) on Tuesday, September 24th
FROM: Steve Harrison
Dear Friend:
Would you like to get corporate sponsors to give you money and resources to do any of these things?
- Reach a much bigger audience for your work almost overnight.
- Build your following and business by 100-250% without spending your own money.
- Go out on a 19-city national book, product launch or speaking tour and have most (if not all) the expenses paid for by somebody else.
- Be promoted on a major corporation’s website, Facebook page and the millions of people on their email list.
- Get a Fortune 500 company to buy your book by the caseload so they can give it to their employees and customers.
- Hitch your wagon to organizations with instant name recognition and huge infrastructures that already know how to market to their audience.
Corporate sponsors can make all the above and more come true for you.
You don’t need to be famous or even particularly well-established to get sponsors to back you.
Many not-so-well known authors, speakers and entrepreneurs (many one-person operations working from home) get corporate sponsorships every day.
All you need is a good idea… passion for your mission,… a deep desire to reach a lot more people… and most important of all you need to know the right way to identify and present your idea to the corporations most likely to sponsor you.
With the right idea and approach, corporate sponsors can fund and support…
- Your business (regardless how small it is)
- Your events
- Your speaking engagements
- Your book (even if it’s not published yet)
- Your radio show
- Your blog
- Your video blog
- Your podcast
- Your Web TV show
- Your non-profit charity
- Your projects
If you do just one thing on the list above, a corporate sponsor can help you take it to a new level of popularity and profitability.
You don’t need to have a business to get corporate sponsorship. Your blog can be your “business.”
Corporate Sponsors Can Provide The Funding
To Reach More People With Your Message
Imagine how your life would change if you finally had enough money to fully devote your time to your business and passion of helping others without having to worry where the next paycheck is coming from.
How much easier would it be to put on a live event if someone else was footing the bill?
Or if you had someone else give you the money so you can hire a professional to do all the technical set up for your website, blog and social media accounts so you could just focus on writing articles or interviewing guests.
When you team up with a corporate sponsor you enter into a relationship where the corporation focuses on what it does best (opening their checkbook)… so you can focus on what you do best (spreading your message to those you can help most).
With the right system and approach, you might be surprised how easily you can get corporate sponsors to help you:
- Bring your work to a much larger audience so you can have a much bigger impact.
- Write and publish your book – plus sell more copies once published.
- Publicize your book, business or cause in mainstream media.
- Underwrite many (if not all) the costs of your seminar or event.
- Put their logo on your website so you can build instant credibility.
- Travel on their behalf – maybe even send you on a national book or speaking tour.
- Even become the “Face” of their corporation by becoming a paid spokesperson who appears on radio/TV shows and is featured in major print publications and more
So Why Would A Big Corporation
Write A Hefty Check To Little Ole You?
Are you familiar with the relationship between the shark and the remora (commonly called a sucker fish)?
Sharks are the perfect killing machine.
Huge, speedy, vicious and ruthless predators that all fish (and humans) fear.
Except for one tiny fish called the remora.
Sharks let the remora attach themselves to their underside for a free ride.
That’s because the remora cleans parasites from the underside of sharks. The remora gets free food… and the sharks stay healthy. It’s a perfect win-win relationship.
And that’s how corporate sponsorship works too.
The big corporations let “little ole you” latch on to them for a free ride because you keep their business healthy by spreading their message right along side yours.
So right now you don’t have to be famous… have a huge following… a popular blog… or any social media presence to get corporate sponsors to back you and your dream.
Corporate sponsorship can help you achieve all those things.
Corporate sponsors will pay you and support you to become better known to your market.
They don’t want you to be a “Secret.” They’re paying you to become famous so they can ride your coattails as you become more popular and powerful in your market.
And the reason corporate sponsors want and even need people like you to be on their team is because…
You’re Much More Influential
Than You Think…
Even though you may be “small time” right now, corporations will bank on you and partner with you to help you become “Big” in your niche.
Because the more people you influence, the more people your corporate sponsors will be able to influence too.
Your sphere of influence to your audience (no matter how small at the moment) is more powerful and more meaningful (and ultimately more profitable to the corporation) than any advertising and marketing they do.
That’s because you’re a real person, with a real story with real experience in your field and topic (unlike a hired actor or celebrity playing a part).
In fact, sponsors are trending away from using celebrities. They want people who are really grounded that don’t have credibility and character issues.
Corporations are essentially “buying” your sincerity and honesty because you’ll help them create stronger bonds with their target market.
And even though the check they write you may seem like a lot of money to you, it’s peanuts compared to what they would have to pay an A-list actor or celebrity.
Corporations make more bang for their buck by sponsoring thousands of authors, speakers, entrepreneurs and experts than they can with advertising.
Meet Linda Hollander… The Queen Bee Of
Helping People Land Corporate Sponsorships

- How to find the corporate sponsors most likely to sponsor you and write the big checks to get you going.
- How to create a proposal corporations can’t say “no” to.
- How to turn a one-time sponsorship into an ongoing sponsorship that gets renewed (and a check cut to you) annually.
“When I was writing my second book, Treatable and Beatable: Healing Cancer without Surgery, I realized I needed a new business model to get my message out into the world. That is when I hired Linda Hollander, one of the leading experts on corporate sponsorship. She helped me get my first sponsor and I've been working with countless sponsors ever since.
Through Linda's mentoring, I was able to create the event of my dreams, Your Health is Your Wealth, which has transformed many lives. Corporate sponsors have helped me grow my business and get amazing results. I'm grateful everyday that I met and hired Linda Hollander, she is truly one of the best in the business.”
Carolyn Gross
Speaker, Author, Health Advocate
“I've worked with Linda for several years, and she knows what she's talking about! She has personally guided me and my team to getting a quick "yes" when we’re seeking a $100,000 sponsorship. I highly recommend Linda if you need expertise in this area.”
Bryan Caplovitz
“Are you trying to reach corporate sponsors or advertisers .... then go no further than the one and only - Wealthy Bag Lady, Linda Hollander! I took Linda's class last year and have been putting her ideas and tools into action ever since! She is a genius on how to connect with sponsors and media. Linda shares her expertise with her students and provides the REAL tools you will need to promote your business. Linda was one of the BEST connections I made last year at the eWomen Network Annual Conference.”
Janet Powers, Speaker and Author
Women’s Toolbox
“For someone looking to break into the world of sponsorships, it is vitally important to have the help and guidance of someone who’s been there before.. It’s a bit like when you meet someone for the first time. Those first impressions are crucial to whether a successful relationship is established. And part of establishing a successful relationship, for both sides, is knowing the right questions to ask. Linda Hollander, the Wealthy Bag Lady, (love that name), will guide you through this process and do it successfully. Linda’s been there, having developed her own business model and successfully developed long-term sponsorships with a number of major companies.
If you have a valuable skill, product or service and want to get started in the world of sponsorships I can think of few people as well-qualified as Linda Hollander. Shortly after I started to work with Linda, we submitted a proposal to a major health and nutrition company and were successful on the first try. Most importantly for me, Linda’s guidance helped me develop a proposal that was of professional quality, accurately spoke to the needs of the sponsor and helped me obtain a level of funding that matched the service I had to offer.
You might compare Linda’s expertise to the well-known credit card commercial that says “Don’t leave home without it. In the world of sponsorships, you don’t want to get started without her help.”
Ward Luthi
Speaker, Author and World Traveler
Linda’s Attract Corporate Sponsors System Gives You Everything You Need (And Much More) To Find And Sign Up Corporate Sponsors
Linda created the Attract Corporate Sponsors System for people who are busy and don’t have the time to spend months or even weeks learning. It has all the tools that you are going to need to get your corporate sponsors and you can do the whole training within a few hours from the comfort of your home.

You’ll get the complete Attract Corporate Sponsors Course (a physical course mailed to you at your home or office) that includes:
Eight Audio CDs (in addition you also get online audio files of each CD which you can listen to on any device, from your computer to your smartphone). In these CDs you’ll discover:
- How to attract your first sponsors
- The 3 biggest mistakes people make when trying to get corporate sponsorship
- The art of creating winning proposals sponsors can’t refuse
- How to get your proposal to the decision makers
- How to turn a “no” into an enthusiastic “yes”
- Compelling benefits you’ll offer that make sponsors open their checkbooks
- How to determine how much money to ask for and NOT sell yourself short and undercut the amount of money you get
- The real secret to getting free media
- Spotlighting your assets
- Expert advice directly from Linda Hollander and sponsor industry professionals
Transcripts for each CD (both printed and available as an online download)
If you’re like me you love to read and highlight. So in addition to the eight audio CDs, Linda has transcribed and printed the content of each of the CDs and put them in an attractive spiral bound booklet to make it easy for you to read.
Gold Directory of Sponsors Featuring 500 Companies
This is a master directory that Linda has personally curated for 16 years and has the contact information of OVER 500 companies who could sponsor you. It includes the name of the person to contact. The phone number (the person’s direct line that rings at their desk, not the company’s 800 number) and email address. Linda and her team have just updated the directory so you’re guaranteed all the information is current, updated and correct.
Agreement/Contract to use with sponsors
The corporate sponsors you’ll be working with will be much bigger than you are and will have legal departments armed with lawyers. So you really need to protect your rights in all the deals you make. Linda has created a simple one-page legal agreement that will help you seal the deal. It will get through any corporation’s legal department. And it’s an airtight agreement that protects you. If you had to pay an attorney to come up with this, it would be about $2000.
Proprietary Sponsor Proposal Template
It took Linda six months of guesswork, experimentation and trial & error to discover all the ins and outs of creating a sponsor proposal that closes deals. Today, it takes her just a couple of hours to complete and send off her sponsor proposal that virtually locks in sponsors. Linda is including the very same sponsor proposal template she and hundreds of her students and clients have used to ink deals with some of the largest corporations on earth.
Over the past ten years Linda has honed and fined-tuned this proposal to the nth degree. It takes all the guesswork out of what you should say, what you should include and you’ll be able to complete it in an afternoon. This is the same proposal that’s sealed deals with companies such as Microsoft, FedEx, Staples, Marriott Hotels, Epson, and others
NOTE: You cannot get Linda’s proven Sponsor Proposal Template anywhere else. It’s only available as part of her Attracting Corporate Sponsors System.
Over 100 tips on corporate sponsorships
A quick read, this Tips Guide is jam packed with all the little tips and tricks for finding and signing-up corporate sponsors Linda has learned and created over the years. It literally takes only a few minutes to read and you’ll refer to it often as a handy reference guide. In it you’ll discover secrets including:
- The ideal type of companies to get sponsorships from (not all companies are created equal and some are much more likely to want to sponsor you).
- The secret to turning a “no” into a “yes” even after a company says they don’t want to sponsor you (almost nobody thinks of this but it’s proven to work).
- The one thing you don’t ever want to promise a sponsor (it pretty much guarantees they’ll never use you again).
- The simple key to asking for and getting more money from sponsors than you ever thought you could.
- An incredibly simple trick that you can use that will make your photos stand out on all your materials (takes seconds to do and you’ll be surprised how much better it makes all your images look).
- The very first sentence that needs to come out of your mouth when following up with a sponsor (hint: never ask “Did you get the proposal I sent over.” There’s a much better statement to use that gets the conversation rolling in your favor).
- Things that you don’t need to offer sponsors (these “fluff-pieces” have little value to sponsors and if you offer them, the sponsor will see right through them as not offering enough value to their corporation).
- 30 powerful and effective phrases to use whenever you’re talking with or writing to corporate sponsors.
- What to do when a corporate sponsor tries to cut your fee (this trick of the trade can actually get you more sponsorship money down the road)
- 8 quick steps you can take to sell a first-time event to a new sponsor
- And much, much more
Pitch Letter to send corporate sponsors
Too many people make the mistake of thinking the pitch letter is nothing more than a short note you write when you email your proposal to a sponsor. The pitch letter is often the first impression you make on sponsors. To be effective, professional and eye-catching it has to be written a certain way and have specific language in it. The pitch letter’s first job is you get your proposal past the gatekeepers. Mess up the email and you kill your chances of getting a sponsor. Linda includes the pitch letter she and her students and clients use that has opened doors and led to sponsorships with some of the largest corporations in the world.
Telephone Scripts to use when talking with sponsors
Will you know what to say when a potential sponsor calls you after receiving your email or letter? Will you know the questions they’re likely to ask and how to answer them? You will with Linda’s system because she has included her easy-to-follow, done-for-you phone scripts. When you follow these scripts even the most grizzled business veteran will be impressed and see that they are dealing with a confident professional that will deliver on their end of the agreement.
Linda includes three separate, fill-in the blanks, telephone scripts…
- Telephone script for corporate sponsors
- Telephone script for media partners
- Telephone script for voice mail
Building Your Audience Quickly Master Class
When Linda went after her first corporate sponsor she was a one-woman business working out of her home and she had no audience. She didn’t have an email list… a popular blog… or any kind of social media presence. Recognizing the value of building a following, she went from zero audience to a following of 20,000 in record time! And now she’s including an online Master Class on how you can go form zero to thousands of followers so you can show corporate sponsors your influence.
Sponsor Renewal Report
Getting a sponsor for the first time is an awesome business-building and even life-changing experience. But the real secret of sponsorship success is to get corporations to renew their sponsorships with you so you get funding for year-after-year. Linda includes her Sponsor Renewal Report that shows you the format of how to submit renewals. This is the exact same Report Linda used to get FedEx to renew their funding with her for years on end.
Critique of Your Sponsor Proposal when you’re ready to send it out
Even though Linda’s Sponsorship Proposal Template takes all the guesswork out of creating a winning proposal, Linda has graciously agreed to either personally or get a sponsor professional from her personal team to review and critique your proposal before you sent it out.
More than just a critique, Linda and her team of experts will help you create a success strategy to sign up your first corporate sponsor. They’ll show you how to tell your story in an enticing and confident way. Help you create the right compelling benefits, help you layout the proposal so it’s eye-catching and create a sure-fire proposal that convinces potential sponsors that you’re the ideal conduit to connect the sponsor to their core consumers.
Online Access To The Entire
Attract Corporate Sponsors System Course
In addition to getting a hard copy of the entire course delivered to your home, in addition to the physical audio CDs you’ll receive in the mail… you’ll also get instant, online access to all the components so you can start setting up your first corporate sponsorship immediately. Simply log in and the entire course will be at your fingertips. You’ll be able to access the course minutes after you sign up today.
6 Question and Answer group calls
Even though you can go through the entire Course Workbook in an afternoon and listen to all the audios in a couple of days, Linda and I want to make sure you get all your questions answered and that you get access to the most important information. So, in addition to everything already listed, you also get to take part in six live Question & Answer Group Calls hosted by Linda. We'll invite you to submit your questions ahead of time, but you'll also be able to submit your questions via email during the call.
The exact dates and times of the calls (which are all recorded in case you can’t be on any live and/or want to refer back to them) are still to be determined, so keep an eye out for email announcements from us in the upcoming weeks with the complete schedule.
One-On-One Private Consultation
The training you get, the Workbook, the templates, the sample letters, the audios and the Q&A calls… PLUS the Gold Directory really do give you everything you need to create a can’t miss sponsor proposal and to find corporate sponsors that will back you and your mission. But Linda wants to OVER-DELIVER.
This is an incredible and generous extra Linda is throwing in when you sign up today. She’s very busy and her time is valuable. But when you’re ready to create your proposal, you’ll get a private, one-on-one 30-minute consult with her or a member of her team via phone or Skype to help you perfect your sponsor proposal and answer any questions you may have.
So What Does The Complete
Attract Corporate Sponsors System Cost?
Answer: Not Much… Your First Corporate Sponsorship Should Cover The Entire Program!
You’ve seen how so many others have used Linda’s system of finding and signing up corporate sponsors. It works in every niche in every topic. You can find corporate sponsors whether you’re a one-person business working from your kitchen table… or if you’re already established.
You can use this system and all the support to get corporations to write you hefty checks even if you’re a complete unknown.
As you’ve seen, Linda and her clients have been sponsored by some of the largest corporations on earth, Microsoft, Wells Fargo, Dun & Bradstreet, Epson, Citibank, Fed Ex, American Airlines, Staples, Health Net, Marriott, Southwest Airlines, Los Angeles Business Journal, Wal-Mart, Bank of America, IBM and many other organizations.
And in this letter you’ve heard from just a handful of her students and clients who’ve used Linda’s system to land major corporate sponsors.
You can easily see Linda’s system works for those who follow it.
What would it be worth to you to have a major corporation give you a check for $10,000… $50,000 even $100,000? It happens almost every day. Remember, corporate sponsorship in the United States is an over 21 BILLION dollar business.
Let’s review everything you get as part of the Attract Corporate Sponsors System…
- Attract Corporate Sponsors Course (mailed to your home) which includes 8 audio CDs, transcripts of the CDs and the Workbook
- Gold Directory of Sponsors Featuring 500 Companies
- Agreement/Contract to use with sponsors
- Instant online access to the entire course (including all the audios and transcripts and templates)
- Building Your Audience Quickly Master Class
- Pitch Letter to send corporate sponsors
- Telephone Scripts to use when talking with sponsors
- Sponsor Renewal Report so you can get funding not just once, but on an annual basis from the same companies
- Critique of Your Sponsor Proposal when you’re ready to send it out
- Private One-On-One 30-Minute Consult with Phone or Skype
- 6 Question and Answer group calls
Linda regularly sells the full system – without all the bonuses above -- for $1497.00 which is ridiculously cheap for the quality of the information and the done for you templates… not to mention the consult and critiques.
But because Linda wants to reward everyone who’s serious about signing up corporate sponsors, if you enroll today, you’re going to get an absolute bargain. You’ll save up to $500 when you enroll by 9 pm Eastern (6 pm Pacific) on Tuesday, September 24th.

& Instant Online Access
Regardless which payment plan you choose, you’ll get FREE shipping. The Attract Corporate Sponsors System Workbook will be shipped to you with the eight audio CDs and the printed transcripts of the CDs. PLUS… you’ll also get instant access to the entire system the moment you join. So you won’t have to wait for the materials to arrive. The complete Workbook and CD audios are online right now waiting for you once you become a member.
If you select the three installment plan, you can make 3 payments (first payment now… second payment 30 days from now… and final payment 60 days from now).
Click here now to enroll in the Attract Corporate Sponsors System… and get started right now. Whichever option you select, you have nothing to lose because the program comes with a complete 30-day money back guarantee.
It doesn’t matter where in business or in life you are now.
Linda’s system can work for you even if you’re...
- Still struggling to write and publish your first book. All you need is a big idea and passion and sincerity for your mission to help others.
- A complete unknown in your field.
- You’ve tried getting corporate sponsorships in the past and have been rejected (Linda shows you how to get the companies that turned you down to now accept you).
- In a for-profit business in an unusual niche far removed from business (it’s a myth that only non-profits get corporate sponsorships).
As you can see, the Attract Corporate Sponsors System is a tremendous value. It’s changed the lives of people just like you and can do the same for you.
Click here now to get started with Linda’s system because the special savings expire at 9 pm Eastern (6 pm Pacific) on Tuesday, September 24th.
I look forward to hearing about how you’ve benefitted from Linda’s system and how landing corporate sponsors has allowed you to reach your dream – and just as importantly, help a lot more people. Enroll now
All the best,

Steve Harrison
PS – Order now so you'll be sure you don't miss out on your $500 discount! And within minutes of ordering, you’ll be able to access the online version of Linda’s system while you’re waiting for the hard copy manuals and audio CDs to arrive. And did I remind you there’s free shipping anywhere in the world? Grab your copy now.